Blood Moon

When the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, it’s called a solar eclipse. When the Earth passes between the sun and the moon, it is a lunar eclipse.

The Earth casts its shadow far out into space, beyond the orbit of the moon. Once in a while the moon passes through the shadow, and an eclipse occurs.

When the Earth casts its shadow on a Full Moon and eclipses it, the Moon may get a red glow.  Blood Moon is sometimes used to describe a Total Lunar Eclipse.

Total Lunar Eclipses are rare – only about one in three lunar eclipses are total. About four to five total eclipses can be seen at any place on Earth in a decade.

Every once in a while, four total lunar eclipses happen in a row. This is called a lunar tetrad. The total lunar eclipses happen 6 months apart. There are at least six full Moons between two total lunar eclipses in a tetrad.

The fourth and final lunar eclipse in an ongoing tetrad – four lunar eclipses in a row – happens on September 27-28, 2015.

Hello world!


I am a doting mother to two young school going boys.

At school my kids get lot of activities and I always have to help them largely for gathering information or pictures on many subjects.

Since I am working sometimes I find it difficult juggling with all the jobs.  Still I enjoy doing it as I have quite a lot of experience with education industry and so though of sharing with others by making it accessible to everybody.

I have a plan to collect topics from all grades and publish the projects gradually as and when I get some extra time.

In a nut shell, its the desire of an ordinary mother to help mothers like me.
